Never Underestimate The Importance of Speed

Sometimes it can be difficult to optimize every single aspect of SEO for your website. You’ve made sure that your content is optimized and high-quality, updated your metadata and alt tags, and have taken care of other SEO tasks. Yet, you notice that your website is loading at an incredibly slow rate, increasing bounce rates, and organic rankings declining by the day.

Is this a big deal? Absolutely.

In a world where we expect more from the internet, expecting users to wait for a website to load just a second slower than its competitors is not possible anymore. Searches want their answers, and they want them at lightning speeds.

To understand what could be causing these issues, it is important to be aware of the metrics used to measure page experience - Core Web Vitals.

  • Largest Contentful Paint
    Largest Contentful Paint
    Users and potential customers must be able to load your website with ease. This ensures that they are not kept waiting to see your amazing content and decide to leave the page, which would decrease bounce rates significantly. 
  • First Input Delay
    First Input Delay

    Once the page is loaded, you must determine what the user will experience as they interact with the elements within your page. It is essential for each click of a button and every link to respond efficiently at the user's request. 

  • Cumulative Layout Shift
    Cumulative Layout Shift

    The layout stability of your webpage also determines a user's first impression of your website. A smooth and seamless interaction with your site that has no unexpected jumps or interruptions is ultimately responsible for whether visitors are willing to return or never click on your site again. 

Get a Free Website Speed Checklist

Want To Know Exactly What's Stalling Your Site's Performance?

There are many other elements responsible for the efficiency and speed of your site. In order to diagnose those issues, we will provide you a speed checklist for a clear view on your site’s health. Having this checklist will serve as the guideline to identifying all of the technical SEO elements that need to be fixed in order to have:

  • Excellent Page Experience
  • Increased Organic Rankings
  • Improved Load Times
  • Decreased Bounce Rates
  • Higher Conversion Rates
  • Increased Revenue

For more guidance, request a complimentary consultation to discuss your results with SEO experts ready to help.

Common Issues Resolved By Our Consultants:

  • Largest Contentful Paint
  • Cumulative Layout Shift
  • First Contentful Paint

  • Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources
  • Unused Code (Javascript and CSS)
  • Ensure Text Remains Visibile


How to Get Started with Our Core Web Vitals Services

In order to improve Core Web Vitals, we take an iterative approach for every single issue that is affecting a website's loading time. Each issue is tackle one by one with a detailed assessment of how scores have improved after each action, rather than trying to address the issues all at once.

Here’s how it works:

1. We audit your website's Core Web Vitals performance

Our first objective is to audit your website's speed performance and identify which pages and templates are responsible for slow loading times. This is achieved while also determining which particular metrics need to be improved.

The audit will also allow us to discover whether your website has a Largest Contentful Paint, Cumulative Layout Shift, or First Input Delay problem. To investigate further, we will also determine if the website's issues arise on both desktop and mobile - accurately assessing the problem. 

We want to remind you that speed is one of several important factors for SEO optimization. Along with a faster website, our technical SEO services will ensure that your site is optimized and well-ahead of the competition.

Discuss your needs with our consultants.

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2. We identify our targets

Once your website is audited, we identify the specific templates that would benefit from our optimization. This is determined by being aware of the metrics of your website's most valuable pages. By most valuable, we are referring to the high-performing pages with the most traffic growth potential.





3. We determine our plan of action

With a target page and metric in mind, we will then audit the specific page that will benefit from the optimization. This audit will provide us with a detailed list of possible action steps.

At this stage an expert on our team will zero in on the task that will have the greatest impact on improving the page's speed performance.

Request a consultation to see it in action.

4. We test and verify those changes

We will then test the changes we made locally to verify the impact on performance. To ensure results, our process will depend on the success of local testing, a staging environment, and production.

After completing those stages, we will verify once again, and if the test is successful, we will log those results into our performance library along with any takeaways or observations that can be applied on other sections of the website.


5. We ensure all issues are resolved

We continue to fix until we achieve the desired scores and follow the plan of action already established for other templates and pages that need optimization. 

Our approach eliminates wasted efforts and provides better visibility to what actually leads to improved scores.


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Speak with an Expert & Claim Your FREE Core Web Vitals Assessment

Complete the form or call us at 203-680-0855 to request a complimentary consultation and free assessment of your website. You’ll speak with one of our experienced strategists who can share some initial observations, answer any questions you may have, and learn more about your Core Web Vitals needs.

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